Management of Correspondents
To navigate to your list of correspondents, do:
- Sign into your account from .
- Click on the Manage tab.
- Click on the Manage Correspondent tab. You will see a list of your correspondents.
- Sort the list of requests in ascending or descending order by clicking on the column header.
- Search for specific requests by entering filter terms in the search field.
- Editable and non-editable correspondent profiles are indicated with pencil and lock Action icons, respectively.
To view the correspondent's information, do:
- Click on the Action icon.
- You will see the correspondent's profile information and data domain permissions.
To edit the correspondent's information, do:
- Select and/or deselect the permission check boxes to make changes.
- Click on the Save Profile button to submit the profile change and/or rights change request.
- Only one change request of each type (profile and rights) can be made for a correspondent at one time. For example, if there already exists a pending rights change request for the correspondent, this request must be resolved before an additional rights change request is made. However, if the correspondent in this case does not currently have a pending profile change request, a profile change request can be submitted.
Once the change request is submitted, you should receive a confirmation of receipt email and the correspondent should receive a notification email of the new request. And once administrative response is given, you and the correspondent will receive notification emails with approval details.