User Nomination (Add Correspondent or Contact)
If you are a product coordinator, you can nominate a correspondent or contact for a new user account by using the Add Correspondent or Contact module. The nomination process is similar to that of registration. Please note that you can only nominate another user of your reporting entity for data domains of which you coordinate. To nominate a correspondent or contact, do:
- Login to your Integrated Collection System account from .
- Navigate to the registration form by clicking on the Manage tab and then the Add Correspondent or Contact button.
- Enter your nominee’s
profile information in the Correspondent Information section.
- You
must provide a Given/ First name, Family/ Last name, Email Address, and Reporting Scope.
- The Country/ Reporting Entity will be assigned to your reporting country.
- The
provided Country Code must be a positive numerical value; may include positive
signs (+)
- The
provided Office & Mobile Phone and Fax numbers may only include numerical
values, dashes (-), and spaces ( )
- The
provided email addresses must be in the format of "__ @ __ .
- The email address can be linked to one account only
- Select your
nominee’s country data domain and metadata report permissions in the Reports
Allocation section. You can
navigate to this section by clicking on the Next button or the
section tab.
- You must select at least one permission
- Data domains are listed under the previously selected Reporting Scope and
organized by sector
- Metadata reports are listed under Data Dissemination Bulletin Board

- Preview and/ or
submit your request in the Preview section.

- Once the request is submitted, you and the nominee should receive a
confirmation of receipt email. When administrative response is given, the
nominee will receive notification emails of the next steps.