Excel Reports Download & Upload
To download an Excel Report, do:
1. Login to your account from https://www-ics.imf.org/ .
2. Configure the submission type for the data domain of your to-be-downloaded report to Excel Reports.
- Click on the Reporting Preferences button.
- You will see Download, Upload, and Metadata (if available) buttons appear in the row of the data domain.
- The data domain download pop-up window will appear.

4. Specify the report name and reporting frequency of the file you want to download. You can download multiple files at once by adding your reports to the download queue.
5. Click on the Start Download button to download the report(s).
- Each downloaded file should have a name consisting of the reporting country code, report name, and reporting date.
To upload an Excel Report, do:
1. Click on the Upload button.
- The data domain upload pop-up window will appear.

2. Add the files to be uploaded to the queue. The file name and size will be displayed for each one added.
3. Click the Start Upload button to upload the report.
Once the file(s) are successfully uploaded, you will receive confirmation emails with the upload details.